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Wiggly Bridge

Wiggly Bridge Agave Blue Platinum (750mL)

Wiggly Bridge Agave Blue Platinum (750mL)

Wiggly Bridge Agave Blue Platinum is made from 100 percent blue agave, no sugar added. The blue agave plant, a relative of the aloe plant and its juices, is distilled into agave, otherwise known as tequila.
Normaalihinta $59.95 USD
Normaalihinta Alennushinta $59.95 USD
Alennusmyynti Loppuunmyyty

Wiggly Bridge Agave Blue Platinum is made from 100 percent blue agave, no sugar added. The blue agave plant, a relative of the aloe plant and its juices, is distilled into agave, otherwise known as tequila.

Just as champagne cannot be called champagne unless it was made in the region of Champagne, France, by law tequila cannot be called tequila unless it is made in Mexico.

Wiggly Bridge Distillery’s Agave spirits were released in the fall of 2018 at the distillery. At the 2019 Seattle International Spirits Competition, Wiggly Bridge Distillery’s Platinum Agave was awarded not only a Double Gold medal, but also the distinct honor and recognition of Best In Class.

Wiggly Bridge Agave Blue Platinum Tasting Notes

Aroma: clean with some unsweetened tropical fruit like papaya and pineapple though the intensity isn't strong.

Taste: quite smooth, and the fruit found on the palate is more about a lime finish than the tropical notes found on the nose. Some roasted peppers show up upon further nosing

Finish: the finish expresses dried herbs.

Agave Type:
Agave Variety:
Weber Blue
Age Category:
Blanco / Silver
Bottle size:
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