Snow Tequila
Snow Tequila Te-SKI-La 750ML
Snow Tequila Te-SKI-La 750ML
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Snow Tequila Te-SKI-La is a unique and adventurous spirit born from the highlands of Jalisco, Mexico. Crafted with 100% blue Weber agave, it embodies the region's rich tradition of tequila-making while offering a modern twist. The agave is slowly roasted to bring out natural sweetness and depth, resulting in a smooth and flavorful tequila that pays homage to both the terroir and the snow sports culture it celebrates.
On the palate, Te-SKI-La delivers a fresh, clean taste with hints of citrus, vanilla, and light peppery spice. The balanced flavor profile makes it enjoyable to sip neat, while the crisp finish leaves a lingering note of agave sweetness. It's versatile, working just as well in cocktails, such as a classic margarita, as it does for sipping after a long day on the slopes.